Gloui (Loguire) (Glevius) ? (Gloyw Wallt Hir)

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Рођени род House of Gwrtheyrnion
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Цело име (рођено) Gloui (Loguire) (Glevius) ?
Друга презимена Gloyw Wallt Hir
Друга имена Laguire


Рођење једног детета: Vitalinus Bonus [House of Gwrtheyrnion]

Рођење једног детета: Vitalinus Glevius [House of Gwrtheyrnion]

Рођење једног детета: Vitalis Glevius [House of Gwrtheyrnion]

Вера : Langobard

Титуле : Dux Loguiri


  1. Jesus College MS 20 - Referred to as Gloyw gwalltir, father of Gwdoleu
  2. -
  3. Vita Sancta Gurthigierni - Accordingly, Gurthiern was the son of Bonus, who was the son of Glou the son of Abros the son of Dos the son of Jacob the son of Genethauc the son of Jugdual the son of Beli the son of Outham the Elder The son of Maximian the son of Constantus the son of Constantine the son of Helen who was thought to have held the Cross of Christ.

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 1 ==
Gloui (Loguire) (Glevius) ? (Gloyw Wallt Hir)
Вера : Langobard
Титуле : Dux Loguiri
== 1 ==
Vitalis Glevius
Титуле : Dux Lagore
Caius Marcia Actia ? (Caius)
Број брака: 1st to Constans II (the Monk) 2nd to Vitalinus senechal and Vortiger(Vor=the one who looks after, tiger=the kings affairs)ie. Constans II
Свадба: Vortigern Infaustus

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