Philippe de Commines b. 1447 d. 18 октобар 1511

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Рођени род Commines
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Цело име (рођено) Philippe de Commines
Вики-страница wikipedia:en:Philippe de Commines


1447 Рођење: Renescure, Flanders

Рођење једног детета: Jeanne de Commines (Comyn) [Comyn]

18 октобар 1511 Смрт: Argenton-les-Vallées, Poitou


Ses parents étaient Colard van den Clyte (ou de La Clyte) et Marguerite d'Armuyden.

Philippe took his surname from a seigneurie on the Lys which had belonged to the family of his paternal grandmother, Jeanne de Waziers.

However, the death of Commines' father in 1453 left him the orphaned owner of an estate saddled with enormous debts. In his teens he was taken into the care of Philip the Good.

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 1 ==
Philippe de Commines
Рођење: 1447, Renescure, Flanders
Смрт: 18 октобар 1511, Argenton-les-Vallées, Poitou
== 1 ==
Rene de Brosse
Титуле : count of Penthièvre
Свадба: Jeanne de Commines (Comyn)
Смрт: 24 фебруар 1525, Pavia, Italy

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